
11 years ago..

I had dropped my baby boy off at school, his first year! My baby girl was a day shy of being 6 months old. As always I came back home and turned on Good Morning America. I got comfortable and just stared at the TV… I remember Charlie Gibson’s voice and him talking about an accident. I called my neighbor and woke her up and we watched as that 2nd plane crash into the 2nd tower. I remember crying for the unknown. I can’t even begin to think how the people that were in the tower felt. It felt horrible being in a little town in Arkansas, like things would never be the same. My neighbor and I stayed on the phone a while that morning… we didn’t do a lot of talking, mostly just watching and crying. I’ve never been so glad to have my son home from school, my husband home from work and our little family all under one roof. In the days after 9/11 I have never been more proud to be an American.. God bless our Country!!!

It’s been many many years since I have sat down and wrote a blog post.

Lots of things have changed. After losing my Grandmother in 2007 I was bad off. The more I thought I had control the less life seemed to go my way. 2010 seemed to be the worst. My migraine’s were out of control, my life was not peaceful and I wasn’t the mom or wife I needed to be. Everytime I turned around there was more drama coming my way.  Finally I talked to my headache dr. and she thought seeing a Psychologists could help work through some things I had going on with my life. So I started seeing a lady and I was starting to see somethings going on around me were so unhealthly for me but OMG my kids were seeing all of this crap too.

I finally had to make a choice of who and what I wanted in our lifes. The drama was the first to go… only problem here was that was my mother and my step dad. I had to decide how I would do this and when. I wrote a letter to them and left it on the counter after we did Christmas with them. The letter stated that I loved them but I could no longer enable them. By driving them places b/c they were drinking, getting calls in the middle of the night b/c one of them was drinking and driving and crashed into a tree, and so on. I was sick and tried of being their parent. I have 2 kids and they are who I need to worry about and do for.

So almost 2 years later I haven’t heard a word from my mother or step dad. They chose drinking! It broke my heart a little… being a child around them I knew I wasn’t high on the list of what’s important to them. It killed me to know not even my kids have a place higher than drinking. I’m not sure what would happen if they did decide to come back after 2 years.




The nurse called me about the MRI/MRA. They were clear of any tumors, cysts or clots. Thank You God! My headache diary is starting to look better. It now has 3 🙂 and lots of 1’s, so much better than the 3’s and 4’s I was having EVERYDAY!

growing up…

the kids not me. 😉

Monday I took ds to the High School to get his rule book, locker number, lock, and forms for 7th grade. Since we live out in the middle of nowhere there is Elem. and High School. So Monday morning I will drop my first born off at the High School!!

My baby girl will be starting the 2nd grade. She got the teacher she was hoping for. Friday we are going to see her room and I will make sure ds knows which way to go for his classes.

Now I have a question for parents and or teachers of older kids. How many carry a backpack once they have a locker?


Now the waiting begins. The kids and I went to Little Rock this morning for my MRI/MRA to be done. Of course they were running behind. Lol I had both kids with me alone so you know nothings going to be on time. When they called me back I prayed “Please let them behave and not kill each other”. After 45 mins in the loud machine I came out and they were both alive and nobody said anything about them. 🙂 So they got a treat… we went to Chuck E Cheese and played. After that we went to a few stores and came home. Once we were home my real kids were returned and they started in at each other. Hey I can live with that… today! 😉


I found out today when I go for the MRI and MRA, the 12th @ 10:15. My heads still hurting every day. Still having to take meds to get rid of them.

We have sold 2 puppies so far. One little girl left, I hope she’s gone before the kids get home. Dd is getting a little to close for my comfort.

My bff had 2 dr. appointments in the “big city” an hour away. In between them we did a little shopping. I got ds 2 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts. Since he’s going in the 7th grade with no more recess he wants to start off in jeans… his words not mine. He starts football practice Monday afternoon. Dd already has the shirts she’s wearing the first week back to school all picked out. Lol but she’s not ready to go back yet.

The kids left this morning with the inlaws. They will be home Sunday. This will be the longest they have been gone. Today wasn’t bad but the house sure wasn’t the same when we came in at dark. Dh took a few days off. He went to bed after eating and here I am on the puter. What will we do when the kids grow up and move out?! We are going to do something either tomorrow night or Sat. night. not sure what yet. Well I need to finish laundry and hit the sack.

proud… i think

something happened last Friday afternoon with my step dad. Long story short he blew up over something so small that I haven’t been able to get over it. I don’t understand how a 48 year old man can blow up on a 12 year old and then turn around and blow up at me over something. I always feel as though I walk on eggshells with him and for a matter of fact my mom also. My normal reaction would have been to call and kiss @ss… well that ain’t going happen this time. I am going to keep myself from being an @ss kisser. Why do I always have to be the “grown up” with them? For once can’t I be the kid with them?! Hell the last 20 years I have been the grown one but not this time.

Praying for Emma

Go to her family’s blog to learn more. http://www.cornishadoptionjourney.blogspot.com/


I seem to be getting better. Still having headaches every day just not as bad. I got my lab results back and my vit. D is super low, so I get to take a pill for that now. My cholesterol is a bit high, so are my triglycerides… oops!

I am getting sad that school is coming so fast. I’m not ready yet. 14 more days.

The kids and I went to the pool today. Trying to start living better, I swam with them the whole time we were there. When the weathers not so darn hot and humid I am going to start walking again. My mil and I had started walking 2 miles before the heat came. I just wish I would stop craving Rolos already.

I also need to sell 3 female Beagle puppies before I go insane. They are the cutest things ever but us having 9 dogs they need homes fast. When they are gone we will still have 6 dogs, yes I said 6 dogs, no I am not crazy (yet). 😉 I must run and make some flyer’s.